Manhattan Beach Laser Dentistry

Laser Dentistry Manhattan Beach, CA

If you are interested in a new, fresh approach to dental care, consider laser dentistry. At Manhattan Beach Dental Esthetics, we can use laser dentistry to treat our patients' oral health concerns in a way that is comfortable and effective. If you live in Manhattan Beach or surrounding area and are looking for modern dental care, give us a call. Lasers are revolutionizing dentistry, but a family dentist still typically uses traditional metal dental tools, making it necessary to visit a laser dentist. As a laser dentist in Manhattan Beach, we can use lasers in the majority of our procedures to correct damage without causing irritation. We invite you to call (310) 923-7064 and experience the difference that laser dentistry can make.

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    Laser Gum Surgery

    Perhaps one of the most significant advances that gentle dentistry has made is associated with treating gum disease. This condition is so common that most adults will suffer from some form of gum disease in their lifetime. The symptoms typically start with red, swollen, and bleeding gums but if left untreated, it can lead to gum recession. Receding gums are particularly dangerous because more of the tooth and roots will become exposed and open for attack by bacteria. Many people suffer bone and tooth loss as a result. Treating gum disease, therefore, is critical for preserving your teeth as you age. The traditional method of treatment involves pulling the gums away from the tooth and using metal dental tools to scrape off the bacteria, plaque and tartar that has formed on the tooth but underneath the gums. This can be uncomfortable to say the least. Laser dentistry has completely changed the procedure. We offer periodontic care, and our patients can have their gum disease treated by using lasers to break up the plaque and tartar. This will remove the irritant that is causing the gum disease in the first place. Typically, the gums will then return to good health. Since this is a non-invasive procedure, our patients start to feel better right away. Not all dentists in the Manhattan Beach area offer this new method of treating gum disease, making it important to visit a laser dentistry office.

    Laser Teeth Whitening

    At Manhattan Beach Dental Esthetics, we can transform your ordinary smile into something truly beautiful. If you are tired of having yellow or stained teeth, you are not alone. In our high tech dental offices, we can perform an in-office whitening treatment with dramatic results. Your teeth can become eight shades whiter or more in a single sitting. The lasers essentially activate the whitening solution that is placed on your teeth. This means that your teeth will whiten much faster than if you treated them at home. While the results are stunning, the procedure is still entirely safe, making it an excellent solution for improving your appearance. You can also whiten your teeth using custom-made whitening trays, and while this works, it can take a week or two to achieve the same results that we can get in an hour. When trying to decide which option to select, consider how much time you have to spend whitening your teeth and whether or not you have an immediate event that you want your teeth whitened for. If you are pressed for time, you should definitely have an in-office laser whitening treatment. We can schedule you and improve your smile in time for a new job interview, family vacation, wedding, etc.

    When you visit Manhattan Beach Dental Esthetics, we will work to the best of our ability to provide you with the highest quality of dental care and do so in a way that is relaxing and comfortable. By offering laser dental treatments, we eliminate the vibration, heat and pressure that generally causes discomfort during dental procedures. In fact, we even offer fillings without the need to use a drill. Laser dentistry is used in our office so that we can achieve our goal of keeping you comfortable. The technology is continuing to change and improve so if there are procedures that we are still using traditional dental tools for, we expect all or most of them to eventually be done using lasers. For now, we have implemented the use of lasers in our procedures to place dental veneers, fillings, crowns, dental implants, to whiten teeth, and treat gum disease, among others. If you want to learn more about how we use laser technology currently, call Manhattan Beach Dental Esthetics and schedule an appointment with our dental office.

    Check out what others are saying about our laser dentistry services on Yelp: Laser Dentistry Manhattan Beach

    Definition of Cosmetic Dentistry Terminology
    An allograft is a graft of tissue from a donor within the same species as the patient that is not a genetic relative.
    Alveolar Ridge
    The alveolar ridge is the bony ridge for one of the jaw ridges located on the roof of the mouth or on the bottom of the mouth.
    An autograft is a graft of tissue from one portion of an individual’s body to another.
    Bleachorexia is when people continue to abuse teeth whitening solutions without consulting professionals, causing significant damage to their enamel and gums in the process.
    Cap Splint
    A cap splint is a plastic or metallic device that professionals may use to treat mandible or maxillary fractures and cover crowns of teeth.
    Cosmetic Dentistry
    Cosmetic dentistry is generally used to refer to any dental work that improves the appearance (though not necessarily the function) of a person’s teeth, gums and/or bite.
    Crown Lengthening
    Crown lengthening is a surgical procedure that increases the extent of a tooth structure for restorative or esthetic purposes.
    Dental Crown
    A crown is an artificial tooth, usually consisting of porcelain, which covers the top of the implant to provide people with an aesthetically pleasing and fully-functional tooth.
    Dentin Hypersensitivity
    Dentin hypersensitivity is when the enamel wears down on the tooth enough that the dentin faces exposure and will cause great levels of pain when a person applies pressure to the tooth or drinks hot/cold beverages.
    A dentist, also known as a dental surgeon, is a doctor who specializes in the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of diseases and conditions of the oral cavity.

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